Staff Spotlight- Robyne Davis
This week's spotlight is on Robyne Davis! Mrs. Davis is one of our incredible Special Education Teachers.

We love having Robyne Davis with us at Kent Gardens! Let's learn more about Robyne...
Staff Member: Robyne Davis
Number of years at Kent Gardens: 3
Number of years in FCPS: 7
Why do you love working at Kent Gardens? I love working at Kent Gardens because it is such a supportive and fun community!
How do you show your KGPride? I show my pride by dressing out for spirit days!
What book are you currently reading? Currently reading "The Inner Game of Tennis"
What is your favorite food? Anything chocolate
What is your favorite drink? Iced tea (from the south)
What are your hobbies/interests? Yoga, spending time with family and friends, starting to play tennis and golf, reading, watching UNC basketball, travelling