Parent FAQ and Office Reminders
**For Early Checkout, Transportation/Dismissal Change & Late Arrival: submit online forms at the KG website (top left), instead of email. KG online forms include critical info such as AM/PM teacher, grade, room #, announcement #, special class code, request type, parent/guardian authorization, for office to efficiently process your requests, locate student, and coordinate with teachers and students.
**Submit all online forms ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT preferably before 9:30 am to avoid delay or mistake in processing.
- For student’s safety and security, parents/guardians MUST use ParentVue to report absence. NOTE: you can only report absence 5 days ahead of your first absence day.
- FCPS sends automated ABSENCE alerts to parents daily. Upon receiving alerts, parents must submit requests via ParentVue promptly for office to update your child’s attendance
- Bell Time: 8:50 am – 3:35 pm
- Morning arrivals: For safety and security reasons, walkers and bus riders use front entrance only at 8:40 am. DO NOT BUZZ or enter through other doors. Parents should not accompany students into school. Kiss and Ride may enter cafeteria Door 8 at 8:35 am.
- Students can only ride their own assigned bus.
- Bus App and Bus Delay: If bus is delayed, parents may access the Bus Delay Notification System or use the Here Comes the Bus mobile app to receive the delayed bus alert. Use code 28982 when registering for Here Comes the Bus. App Tech support: [email protected] or 571-423-2400. FCPS Transportation Dept: 703-249-7100.
- Arrive BEFORE 3:35 pm to pick up your child.
- Pick-up location: For students’ safety and security, we only dismiss students to these designated locations for parent’s pick-up: School Bus, Walk/Bike, Kiss and Ride and SACC. (Door 8 for Kinder walkers, Door 7 for 1st - 6th grade walkers.) Do not ask your children to meet you in playground or other places in the community after school.
- Lumsden St.: Lumsden St. is for school buses only during arrival and dismissal. Please follow K&R map/guidelines.
- Dismissal Change: It is essential to communicate any dismissal changes with your child(ren) before school AND submit online form, preferably before 9:30 am on the day of the change. Add an extra note next to your child’s name or in the “Note” section such as “Take bus 3 home.”, etc.
- If your dismissal change follows a pattern or covers multiple days, include a note like “Every Tuesday”, or “Feb. only”. You DO NOT need to submit additional forms daily or weekly unless you need to update or override the existing routine.
- Dismissal Routine: To prevent incidents, and UNNECESSARY announcement/interruption to classroom, establish and maintain a regular dismissal routine for your student and teachers to follow.
Early Check Out
- If you must check out your student early, submit online form preferably before 9:30 am on the checkout day. Sign on the office clipboard and wait in the lobby/office. We call student upon your arrival. We can only release students to parents, guardians, and authorized emergency contacts. Must be ready to show ID. Latest Checkout: 2:45pm
Forgotten items
- Unfortunately, we cannot notify or deliver any items during instructional time. Please drop items at the cubby in the lobby, not office, then email your teachers. To have a successful school day, help your child prepare before school. Check backpack, water bottle, snack, lunch box, laptop, clothes, homework, project, musical instrument, form, due, library book, etc.
Lost & Found
- Please label your child’s items. We’ll do our best to return them to your child.
- We cannot accommodate parents to join students for lunch.
Parking/Kiss ‘n Ride
- Please do not park in the bus circle, Kiss ‘n Ride or our neighbors’ driveways during school hours. Park in the designated parking area.
- Go to to establish an account. Add your child(ren) using the name of the school, student ID or birthdate. Make lunch purchases, field trip payments with your credit/debit card. For additional support: @email or 1-855-832-5226.
News You Choose
- Sign up (KGES home page) to stay updated with important KGES weekly announcement, events, forms, sign-ups, etc.
ParentVue, SIS & other tech help
- Submit a ticket via (Search for FCPS Parent Support Request)
- Sign Up for SIS ParentVUE – Report absence, access your student’s attendance records/grades/assignments, and update emergency contact… at any time with SIS ParentVUE. Parents/caregivers should receive an activation code when registering student for the first time. Contact our registrar Annie Joseph @email if you are activating your ParentVue for the first time.
- If your child is sick, e.g., fever, diarrhea, vomiting and/or other cold/flu like symptoms, please keep them home. They can return 24 hrs fever and symptoms free WITHOUT medication. Redness of eye or skin rashes needs to be evaluated by a physician before coming to school
- Frequent tardiness affects your child’s school day, and disrupt office duties and classroom instruction for teachers and other students. You must park and walk the tardy student to the office to complete check-in process. Please DO NOT drop off your child and leave.
Bring your ID to check in via the Visitor Management System in office first.
Family Liaison: Shelly Lowinger @email
PTA President: Jenny Gregory [email protected]