Staff Spotlight- Phil Blake

By Lisa David
Staff Spotlight
October 07, 2022

This week's spotlight is on Phil Blake! Mr. Blake is one of our incredible 5th grade teacher.


We love having Phil Blake with us at Kent Gardens! Let's learn more about Phil...

Staff Member: Phil Blake

Number of years at Kent Gardens: 4

Number of years in FCPS: 10

Why do you love working at Kent Gardens? The school is well run, students are academically oriented, and parents provide excellent supports. My team is also great!

How do you show your KGPride?KGPride is not something you do or show, it's something you are : )

What book are you currently reading? Lords of Finance

What is your favorite food? Fresh vegetables from my garden

What is your favorite drink? Water, can't live without it

What are your hobbies/interests? Investing, Gardening, My Over 30 Soccer and Basketball Leagues : )